Dofus Touch Cra Build

Dofus Touch Cra Build

Sep 05, 2011  Dofus Wisdom Cra Guide by Faruz-E. The guide to your very own Wisdom Cra. First I would like to warn the reader that this guide is made assuming you have a grip of the game but are looking for another build to try out, this is not for beginners! This being a wisdom cra, all your points shall go to wisdom until 200.

Welcome back to another tips article for Dofus Touch. In this we will give you some suggestions which will help you pick a suitable class in Dofus Touch.If you can just deal direct damage like a Cra, Iop, Ecaflip, etc. You fit into any group. There is no need to be situational most of the time.

No need to bother with fancy strats, that require teamwork, if you can just fight on your own.If your going to play solo but want to group up easily, play Foggernaut. Rocky dennis girlfriend diana adams. They can easily fill damage or healer role without changing build, and can do solid map control.If you are not opposed to starting another character, the first suggestion we give to you is avoid choosing a class that is “on demand”, but a class that you like to play. It mainly depends on what you personally like to do, wreak havoc and provide damage galore, or save allies with sick heals and clench damage mitigation spells. Maybe you’d like to kill mobs before they even have a chance come to you or you don’t mind to be up close and personal. It depends.Many new players want to pick a class that’s “in demand” so that they can party up as often as possible.

The thing is, it is quite hard to find a group for running dungeons/leveling up together, even on servers with high population. Almost everyone have multiple accounts and do everything by themselves. It’s pretty hard to find solo player that are willing to group and do stuff together, they are just a rare species today. It’s probably not a surprise that we mentioned Cras and Iops because these classes are still two most popular alongside with Ecaflips. So don’t narrow your choices, pick whatever floats your boat.


If you’ll find a good guild and people that don’t mind to play with new player, it really doesn’t matter which class will you pick.If you are interested in Strength Iops, it’s good for you since Iops are not that hard to play at all. You just need to know when you can go in or when it’s time to slash mobs from distance with “sword of Iop”. They have excellent self-buffs, dish tremendous amounts of damage and have a bit of map manipulation. The gear is not a problem at all.

Strenght is very common build, so there’s a lot of different strength sets and equipment at marketplaces. Petmount that gives strength (Kompost) is quite cheap, too.Now more and more players return to the mobile version of Dofus, so some tips that can help them choose a suitable class are neccessary. Hope this article would help you.

Well, as a cra, thanks to the snailmate, turquoise and most importantly your critical shooting you'll basically be at 100% critical chances all the time.And as a cra, you basically can't skip one elements. Earth and water, with punitive and atonement arrow, int with explosive and tormenting, agi gives a bit of dodge and still increase tormenting arrow damages (but it'll be the least preferred element for me). So focusing on critical damages will increase every element damages basically, plus you have a lot of small AP cost spells or spells like tormenting with two lines of damages.

Alongside that, you have a lot of sets that are around critical damages and that fit with treadfast amulet and belt.​. Agi till either 72 or 92. Personally I would do 72.Then you go int. You need 8 ap for int or stay agi.


The reason you wait till level 72 is rank 3 burning arrow, and level 92 is explosive arrowThen you can stay full int all the way to 200. Get 11ap at level 100, is a little expensive but is worth it.Alternatively you can switch to Omni at level 160 when you have access to drhossil set, that kannibull power mask, crim and turq dofus. And you'll want to be nearly fully scrolled. This is a lot more expensive than int To reach the same level of damage, but the playstyle is a lot more varied as you can use literality every spell and they all do good damage. You can also spec more into Str/Cha easily for fights you know will take a long time, so you can utilise pun and atone arrow for really big damage. For quicker fights you'll want to spec more into int to make fights faster with AoE abilities.

Specing into different elements with an Omni set usually just means changing your characteristic points and trophies,So very cheap and easy to do.At 200 you go Omni. The sets at those levels give so much crit and crit damage, paired with powerful shooting for 80%+ crit chance, all your spells do big damage.

Dofus Touch Cra Build
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